Curriculum Vitae

Robert Ulichney, PhD

Imaging Scientist

Adjunct Professor, Purdue University


Stow, MA





R. Ulichney and M. Gaubatz, “Hiding Data in the Blue Channel”, Color Imaging: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications Session, IS&T Electronic Imaging, Jan, 2020.
[pdf, 2.3 MB]

Z. Zhao, Y. Xu, R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, S. Pollard, J. Allebach, “Data bearing halftone image alignment and assessment on 3D surface”, Color Imaging: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications Session, IS&T Electronic Imaging, Jan, 2020.

J. Liu, A. Jumabayeva, Y. Xu, Y. Wang, T. Frank, S. Gat, O. Bat Mor, B. Yotam, R. Ulichney, J. Allebach, “New results for aperiodic, dispersed-dot halftoning”, Color Imaging: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications Session, IS&T Electronic Imaging, Jan, 2020.

Z. Zhao, R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, S. Pollard, J. Allebach, “Advances in the Decoding of Data Bearing Halftone Images”, IS&T Printing for Fabrication, San Francisco, CA, Sep 29 – Oct 2, 2019.

M. Gaubatz, R. Ulichney, “Barcodes on Non-Flat Surfaces”, IS&T Printing for Fabrication, San Francisco, CA, Sep 29 – Oct 2, 2019.

A. Hodgson, R. Ulichney, “The Smartphone as a Security Print Inspection Tool”, IS&T Printing for Fabrication, Dresden, Germany, Sep 24-27, 2018.

Y. Sun, R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, Matthew, S. Pollard, S. Simske, J. Allebach, “Analysis of a visually significant bar code system based on circular coding”, Color Imaging: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications Session, IS&T Electronic Imaging, Feb, 2018. [pdf, 928 KB]

R. Ulichney, A. Fitzhugh, “Density Matrix Generation for 3D Printing”, IS&T Printing for Fabrication (NIP 33), Denver, CO, Nov 5-9, 2017. [pdf, 2.0 MB]

P. Morovič, J. Morovič, J. Gondek and R. Ulichney, “Direct Pattern Control Halftoning of Neugebauer Primaries”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 26, no. 9, pp. 4404-4413, Sep. 2017. [pdf, 10.5 MB]

R. Mao, U. Sarkar, R. Ulichney, J. Allebach, "3D Halftoning", Color Imaging: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications Conference, IS&T Electronic Imaging, Feb, 2017. [pdf, 1.94 MB]

W. Xi, T. Frank, U. Sarkar, Y. Ben-Shoshan, R. Ulichney, J. Allebach, "Color halftoning based on multi-stage, multi-pass, clustered-DBS", Color Imaging: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications Conference, IS&T Electronic Imaging, Feb, 2017.

W. Jiang, W. Xi, U. Sarkar, R. Ulichney, J. Allebach, "Color halftoning based on Neugebauer Primary Area Coverage", Color Imaging: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications Conference, IS&T Electronic Imaging, Feb, 2017.

P. Morovič, J. Morovič, J. Gondek, M. Gaubatz, R. Ulichney, “PARAWACS: color halftoning with a single selector matrix”, IS&T’s 24th Color and Imaging Conference (CIC24), San Diego, CA, Nov 7-11, 2016. [pdf, 6.2 MB]

R. Ulichney, Y. Sun, M. Gaubatz, S. Pollard, “Effect of Non-Integer Scaling on the Recovery of Data Bearing Marks,” IS&T Printing for Fabrication (NIP 32), Manchester, UK, Sep 12-16, 2016. [pdf, 1.24 MB]

A. Jumabayeva, T. Frank, Y. Ben-Shoshan, R. Ulichney, J. Allebach, “Single Separation Analysis for Clustered-Dot Halftones”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP), Phoenix, AZ, Sep 25-28, 2016.

Y. Chen, T. Kashti, M. Fischer, D. Shaked, R. Ulichney, and J. Allebach, “The Lattice-Based Screen Set: A Square N-Color All-Orders Moiré-Free Screen Set”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol 25, no 4, pp 1873-1886, Apr 2016.

R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, C. Tai, S. Pollard, M. Gottwals, I. Tastl, “Using a Data-bearing Frame to Capture an Extended Target”, IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging, Color Imaging: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications, Feb 2016. [pdf, 1.17 MB]

C. Tai, R. Ulichney, J. Allebach, “Effects on Fourier Peaks Used for Periodic Pattern Detection”, IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging, Image Quality and System Performance Conference, Feb 2016. [pdf, 1.19 MB]

A. Jumabayeva, T. Frank, R. Ulichney, J. Allebach, "HVS-Based Model for Superposition of Two Color Halftones," IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging, Color Imaging: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications Conference, Feb 2016.

A. Jumabayeva, Y. Chen, T. Frank, R. Ulichney, and J. Allebach, “Design of Irregular Screen Sets that Generate Maximally Smooth Halftone Patterns”, Proc. SPIE 9395, Color Imaging XX: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications, Feb. 2015.

S. Pollard, R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, “Recovering Planar Projections of Printed Cluster-Dot Halftones”, ICIP 2014, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Paris, France, Oct 27-30, 2014. [pdf, 622 KB]

L. Zhang, A. Vies, R. Ulichney, J. Allebach, “Binary Text Image File Preprocessing to Account for Printer Dot Gain”, ICIP 2014, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Paris, France, Oct 27-30, 2014.

R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, S. Simske, “Circular Coding with Interleaving Phase”, DocEng 2014, ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, Fort Collins, CO, Sep. 16-19, 2014. [pdf, 282 KB]

R. Ulichney, S. Pollard, M. Gaubatz, “Fast Mobile Stegatone Detection using the Frequency Domain”, IS&T NIP30 (30th Int. Conf. on Digital Printing Technologies), Philadelphia, PA, Sep 7-11, 2014. [pdf, 2.41 MB]

C. Tang, A. Veis, R. Ulichney, J. Allebach, “Irregular clustered-dot periodic halftone screen design”, Proc. SPIE 9015, Color Imaging XIX: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications, Jan 2014.

J. Youn, J. Sun, Y. Ju, T. Kashti, T. Frank, D. Kella, M. Fischer, R. Ulichney, G. Adams, J. Allebach, “Effect of Image Capture Device on the Accuracy of Black-Box Printer Models”, Proc. SPIE 9015, Color Imaging XIX: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications, Jan 2014.

R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, S. Simske, “Circular Coding for Data Embedding”, IS&T NIP29 (29th Int. Conf. on Digital Printing Technologies), Seattle, WA, Sep 2013. [pdf, 886 KB]

Y. Ju, T. Kashti, T. Frank, D. Kella, D. Shaked, M. Fischer, R. Ulichney, and J. Allebach, “Black-Box Models for Laser Electrophotographic Printers – Recent Progress”, IS&T NIP29 (29th Int. Conf. on Digital Printing Technologies), Seattle, WA, Sep 2013.

S. Pollard, R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, S. Simske, “Forensic Authentication of Data Bearing Halftones”, VISAPP 2013 (8th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications), Barcelona, Spain, Feb 21-24, 2013. [pdf, 521 KB]

Y. Chen, R. Ulichney M. Gaubatz, S. Pollard, C. Tai, J. Allebach, “Stegatone Performance Characterization”, Media Watermarking, Security, and Forensics 2013, IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium, San Francisco Airport, CA, 8665-27, February 3-7, 2013. [pdf, 886 KB]

X. Zhang, A. Veis, R. Ulichney, J. Allebach, “Multilevel Halftone Screen Design: Keeping Texture or Keeping Smoothness?”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Orlando, FL, Sep 30-Oct 3, 2012. [pdf, 578 KB]

R. Ulichney, S. Pollard, M. Gaubatz, S. Simske, “Combined Covert Data Embedding and Forensic Markings for Graphic Objects”, IS&T NIP28 (28th Int. Conf. on Digital Printing Technologies), Quebec City, Canada, Sep 2012. [pdf, 567 KB]

M. Gaubatz, S. Pollard, R. Ulichney, S. Simske, “Mobile Capture of High-Resolution Data-Bearing Markings”, IS&T NIP28 (28th Int. Conf. on Digital Printing Technologies), Quebec City, Canada, Sep 2012. [pdf, 708 KB]

Y. Zhang, J. Recker, R. Ulichney, G. Beretta, I. Tastl, I. Lin, J. Owens, “Plane-dependent Error Diffusion on a GPU”, Parallel Algorithms, IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium, San Francisco Airport, CA, 8295B-59, January 22-26, 2012. [pdf, 778 KB]

Y. Ju, X. Zhang, D. Saxena, T. Kashti, D. Kella, D. Shaked, M. Fischer, R. Ulichney, J. Allebach, “Modeling large-area influence in digital halftoning for electrophotographic printers”, Color Imaging XVII: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications, IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium, San Francisco Airport, CA, 8292-35, January 22-26, 2012. [pdf, 384 KB]

X. Zhang, Y. Ju, T. Kashti, D. Kella, T. Frank, D. Shaked, R. Ulichney, M. Fischer, J. Allebach, “Measuring the modulation transfer function of image capture devices”, Image Quality and System Performance IX, IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium, San Francisco Airport, CA, 8293-06, January 22-26, 2012. [pdf, 930 KB]

R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, “Tracing the Source of Printed Documents with Edge-Refined Stegatones”, IS&T NIP27 (27th Int. Conf. on Digital Printing Technologies), Minneapolis, MN, Sep 2011. [pdf, 426 KB]

R. Ulichney, I. Tastl, E. Hoarau, “Analog Image Backup with Steganographic Halftones”, Color Imaging XVI: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications, IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium, San Francisco Airport, CA, 7866-53, January 23-27, 2011. [pdf, 1.26 MB]

Y. Zhang, J. Recker, R. Ulichney, G. Beretta, I. Tastl, I. Lin, J. Owens, “A Parallel Error Diffusion Implementation on a GPU”, Parallel Processing for Imaging Applications, IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium, San Francisco Airport, CA, 7872-20, January 23-27, 2011. [pdf, 571 KB]

R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, and S. Simske, “Encoding Information in Clustered-Dot Halftones”, IS&T NIP26 (26th Int. Conf. on Digital Printing Technologies), Austin, TX, 602-605, Sep 2010. [pdf, 654 KB]

R. Ulichney, A. Ghajarnia, and N. Chang, “Subpixel Measurement of Superimposed Displays”, Society for Information Display (SID) Digest of Technical Papers, P.170, May 2010. [pdf, 807 KB]

R. Ulichney and M. Gaubatz, “Pointing into Remote 3D Environments”, Multimedia on Mobile Devices Conference, IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium, San Jose, CA, 7542-17, January 17-21, 2010. [pdf, 6.10 MB]

R. Ulichney, A. Ghajarnia, and N. Damera-Venkata, “Quantifying the performance of overlapped displays”, Image Quality and System Performance Conference, IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium, San Jose, CA, 7529-27, January 17-21, 2010. [pdf, 2.26 MB]

M. Gaubatz, R. Ulichney, and D. Rouse, “A Low-Complexity Reduced-Reference Print Identification Algorithm”, ICIP (IEEE International Conference on Image Processing), Cairo, Egypt, 1289-1292, Nov 2009. [pdf, 136 KB]

R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, and D. Rouse, D., “High Speed Page Matching”, IS&T NIP25 (25th Int. Conf. on Digital Printing Technologies), Louisville, KY, 577-580, Sep. 2009. [pdf, 500 KB]

D. Lau, R. Ulichney, “Blue-Noise Halftoning for Hexagonal Grids”, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 1270-1284, May, 2006. [pdf, 7.37 MB]

R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, “Perceptual-Based Correction Of Photo Red-Eye”, Proc. of the 7th IASTED International Conf. on Signal and Image Processing, Honolulu, HI, Aug 2005. [pdf, 214 KB]

W. Allen, R. Ulichney, “Wobulation: Doubling the Addressed Resolution of Projection Displays”, Society for Information Display (SID) Digest of Technical Papers, vol. 36, pp. 1514-1517, May 2005. [pdf, 1.65 MB]

R. Ulichney, R. Sukthankar, “Correcting Luminance for Obliquely-Projected Displays”, Digest of Technical Papers, Int. Conf. on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), pp. 367-368, Jan. 2005. [pdf, 58 KB]

R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, JM Van Thong, “RedBot - a tool for correcting photo red-eye”, Eleventh Color Imaging Conf., (The Society for Imaging Science and Technology), Scottsdale, AZ, Nov 2003. [pdf, 120 KB]

R. Ulichney, “Method for Increasing Apparent Amplitude Resolution, and Correcting Luminance Nonuniformity in Projected Displays”, IEEE International Workshop on Projector-Camera Systems, Nice, France, Oct 2003. [pdf, 80 KB]

D. Lau, R. Ulichney, G. Arce, “Fundamental Characteristics of Halftone Textures: Blue-Noise and Green-Noise”, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (Invited Paper), vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 28-38, Jul 2003. [pdf, 2407 KB]

M. Gaubatz and R. Ulichney, “Automatic Red-Eye Detection and Correction”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp. 804-807, Rochester, NY, Sep 2002. [pdf, 307 KB]

R. Ulichney, “A Review of Halftoning Techniques”, Color Imaging: Device-Independent Color, Color Hardcopy, and Graphic Arts V, Proc. SPIE vol. 3963, Jan., 2000. [pdf, 244 KB]

S. Cheung and R. Ulichney, “Low-Memory Low-Complexity Inverse Dithering”, Color Imaging: Device-Independent Color, Color Hardcopy, and Graphic Arts IV, Proc. SPIE vol. 3648, pp. 529-540, Jan 1999. [pdf, 863 KB]

S. Cheung and R. Ulichney, “Window-Extent Tradeoffs in Inverse Dithering”, Sixth Color Imaging Conf., IS&T (The Society for Imaging Science and Technology, Springfield, VA), pp. 245-248, Nov 1998. [pdf, 637 KB]

R. Ulichney, “One-Dimensional Dithering”, Electronic Imaging: Processing, Printing, and Publishing in Color, SPIE Vol. 3409, pp. 204-214, May 1998. [pdf, 134 KB]

R. Ulichney and S. Cheung, “Pixel Bit-Depth Increase by Bit Replication”, Color Imaging: Device-Independent Color, Color Hardcopy, and Graphic Arts III, Proc. SPIE vol. 3300, pp. 232-241, Jan 1998. [pdf, 84 KB]

L. Seiler and R. Ulichney, “Integrating Video Rendering into Graphics Accelerator Chips”, Digital Technical Journal, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 76-88, 1996. [pdf, 314 KB]

V. Bahl, P. Gauthier, and R. Ulichney, “Software-only Compression, Rendering, and Playback of Digital Video”, Digital Technical Journal, vol. 7, no. 4, 52-75, 1996. [pdf, 486 KB]

K. Correll and R. Ulichney, “The J300 Family of Video and Audio Adapters: Architecture and Hardware Design”, Digital Technical Journal, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 20-33, 1996. [pdf, 277 KB]

R. Ulichney, “Forward - Audio and Video Technologies”, Digital Technical Journal, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 3-4, 1996. [pdf, 64 KB]

R. Ulichney, “Spatial Extent of Void and Cluster Finding Filters”, IS&T's Eleventh International Congress on Advances in Non-impact Printing Technologies, (The Society for Imaging Science and Technology, Springfield, VA), Oct 29-Nov 3, pp. 430-433, 1995. [pdf, 43 KB]

R. Ulichney, “Halftone Characterization in the Frequency Domain”, Proc. IS&T 47th Annual Conf., Rochester, NY, (The Society for Imaging Science and Technology, Springfield, VA), May 15-20, pp. 464-467, 1994. [pdf, 394 KB]

R. Ulichney, “Filter Design for Void-and-Cluster Arrays”, Soc. for Information Display International Symposium Digest of Tech. Papers, vol. 25, San Jose, CA, June 14-16, pp. 809-812, 1994. [pdf, 65 KB]

R. Ulichney, “Video Rendering” [Cover feature], Digital Technical Journal, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 9-18, 1993. [pdf, 728 KB]

R. Ulichney, “The Void-and-Cluster Method for Generating Dither Arrays”, Human Vision, Visual Processing, and Digital Display IV, J. Allebach and B. Rogowitz, eds., Proc. SPIE 1913, pp. 332-343, 1993. [pdf, 10.9 MB]

B. Neidecker-Lutz and R. Ulichney, “Software Motion Pictures”, Digital Technical Journal, vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 19-27, 1993. [pdf, 1786 KB]

R. Ulichney, “Bresenham-Style Scaling”, Proc. IS&T 46th Annual Conf., Cambridge, MA, May 9-14, pp. 101-103, 1993. [pdf, 168 KB]

T. Mitsa, R. Ulichney, and K. Parker, “The Construction and Evaluation of Halftone Patterns with Manipulated Power Spectra”, RIDT, The 2nd Intn. Workshop on Raster Imaging and Digital Typography, Boston, MA, Oct. 15-16, pp. 90-97, 1991. [pdf, 469 KB]

K. Parker, T. Mitsa, and R. Ulichney, “A New Algorithm for Manipulating the Power Spectrum of Halftone Patterns”, SPSE's 7th Int. Congress on Non-Impact Printing, Portland, OR, Oct. 10, pp. 471-475, 1991. [pdf, 473 KB]

K. Parker, T. Mitsa, and R. Ulichney, “Digital Halftone Techniques in Medical Imaging”, SPSE's 6th Int. Congress on Non-Impact Printing, Orlando, FL, Oct. 25, pp. 853-858, 1990. [pdf, 819 KB]

R. Ulichney, “Frequency Analysis of Ordered Dither”, Hard Copy Output, L. Beiser, Ed., Proc. SPIE, vol. 1079, pp. 361-373, 1989. [pdf, 1159 KB]

R. Ulichney, “Challenges in Device-Independent Image Rendering”, Topical Meeting on Applied Vision, 1989 Technical Digest Series, vol. 16, (Optical Society of America, Washington, D.C. 1989), pp. 144-147, 1989. [pdf, 243 KB]

R. Ulichney, “Dithering with Blue Noise” [Cover feature], Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 76, no. 1, pp. 56-79, 1988. [pdf, 2781 KB]

K. Parker, T. Mitsa, and R. Ulichney, “Digital Halftone Rendering of Medical Ultrasound Images using Blue Noise”, Thirteenth International Symposium on Ultrasonic Imaging and Tissue Characterization, Arlington, VA, June 7, 1988. [abstract]

R. Ulichney and D. Troxel, “Scaling Binary Images with the Telescoping Template”, IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. PAMI-4, no. 4, pp. 331-335, 1982. [pdf, 371 KB]

also in: J. Stoffel, Graphical and Binary Image Processing and Applications, Dedham, MA: Artech House, pp. 495-505, 1982. [pdf, 403 KB]

Books and Book Contributions

R. Ulichney, "Halftoning", in Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vol. 8, pp. 588-600, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1999. [pdf, 2256 KB]

R. Rubinstein, Digital Typography, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, pp. 43-47, 1988. 

R. Ulichney, Digital Halftoning. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1987. (see also


R. Ulichney, Digital Halftoning and the Physical Reconstruction Function, Ph.D. Thesis, M.I.T., Cambridge, MA, 1986.

R. Ulichney, Digital Scaling of Binary Images, M.S. Thesis, M.I.T., Cambridge, MA, 1979.


Issued Patents

G. Smith, R. Ulichney, W. Allen, “Encoded monochrome images of data-hiding watermarks”, US Patent 11,423,505, Aug 2022.

R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, “Encoding information using disjoint highlight and shadow dot patterns”, US Patent 11,277,539, Mar, 2022.

R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, S. Pollard, “Determine image capture position information based on a quasi-periodic pattern”, US Patent 11,263,784, Mar, 2022.

R. Ulichney, “Density rank matrix normalization for three-dimensional printing”, US Patent 11,247,401, Feb, 2022.

R. Ulichney, A. Fitzhugh, “Multiscale density threshold matrices for 3D printing”, US Patent 11,167,481, Nov, 2021.

R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, S. Pollard, “Data-bearing medium” (Balanced Shifting), US Patent 11,113,592, Sep, 2021.

R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, S. Pollard, “Recursive halftoning and gray value substitution” (Multiscale VSBs), US Patent 11,102,376, Aug, 2021.

R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, “Encoding dot patterns into printed images based on source pixel color”, US Patent 11,089,180, Aug, 2021.

R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, “Omnidirectional barcode”, US Patent 11,030,502, Jun, 2021.

R. Ulichney, “Density rank matrix generation for three-dimensional printing”, 11,029,665, Jun, 2021.

M. Gaubatz, S. Simske, R. Ulichney, “Multi-dimensional cyclic symbols”, US Patent 10,977,466, Apr, 2021.

S. Simske, R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, “M-ary cyclic coding”, US Patent 10,891,704, Jan, 2021.

R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, “Encoding information in printed images by decreasing grayscale pixel values exceeding threshold” (Gray Clipping), US Patent 10,791,239, Sep, 2020.

S. Simske, R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, “M-ary cyclic coding”, US Patent 10,621,688, Apr, 2020.

Y. Mao, J. Allebach, L. Abelló, J. Vidal, R. Ulichney, U. Sarkar, “Parallel Image Processes” (TDFED), US Patent 10,592,790, Mar, 2020.

R. Mao, J. Allebach, W. Jiang, L. Rosello, R. Ulichney, U. Sarkar, “3D printed object halftone image generation containing updated voxel data”, US Patent 10,587,774, Mar, 2020.

M. Gaubatz, R. Ulichney, S. Simske, “Groups of phase-invariant codewords”, US Patent 10,560,117, Feb, 2020.

T. Frank, A. Jumabayeva, R. Ulichney, J. Allebach, Y. Ben-Shoshan, “Assigning Halftone Screens Based on Color and Content”, US Patent 10,530,967, Jan, 2020.

R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, S. Pollard, “Determine Image Capture Position Information Based on a Quasi-Periodic Pattern” (Corralling a Target), US Patent 10,521,931, Dec, 2019.

R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, S. Pollard, J., “Recursive Halftoning And Gray Value Substitution”, US Patent 10,362,194, Jul, 2019.

R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, S. Pollard, “Determine presence of quasi-periodic two-dimensional object”, US Patent 10,223,800, Mar, 2019.

R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, S. Pollard, “Frequency domain range determination for a periodic or quasi-periodic target”, US Patent 10,171,723, Jan, 2019.

M. Gaubatz, R. Ulichney, S. Simske, “Groups of phase invariant codewords”, US Patent 10,171,107, Jan 2019.

J. Aronoff, S. Simske, M. Gaubatz. R. Ulichney, “Multiple payload pantographs”, US Patent 10,154,165, Dec, 2018.

R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, S. Pollard, “Embedding data in halftone images” (Fixed-size), US Patent 10,027,843, July, 2018.

S. Pollard, R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, “Rapid Image Registration”, US Patent 10,002,438, June, 2018.

S. Pollard, R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, “Recovering Planar Projections”, US Patent 10,002,413, June, 2018.

M. Gaubatz, R. Ulichney, S. Simske, “Data bearing medium” (Phase Invariant Codes), US Patent 9,984,318, May, 2018.

R. Ulichney, S. Pollard, M. Gaubatz, S. Simske, “Forensic Verification Utilizing Forensic Markings inside Halftones”, US Patent 9,779,298, Oct, 2017.

R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, S. Simske, “Data bearing media” (Offset to encode Phase), US Patent 9,665,813, May, 2017.

R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, S. Simske, “Data bearing medium” (Interleaving Payload and Phase), US Patent 9,569,709, Feb, 2017.

R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, “Remote-controlled pointing”, US Patent 9,563,293, Feb, 2017.

S. Sirigiri, M. Gaubatz, R. Ulichney, “Carrier images”, US Patent 9,535,635, Jan, 2017.

R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, S. Pollard, S. Simske, “Document copy with data-bearing halftone image”, US Patent 9,454,721, Sep, 2016.

R. Ulichney, S. Pollard, M. Gaubatz, S. Simske, “Forensic Verification Utilizing Forensic Markings inside Halftones”, US Patent 9,373,032, June, 2016.

R. Ulichney, S. Albright, M. Gaubatz, “Systems and methods for tracing the source of printed pages”, US Patent 9,367,776, June, 2016.

R. Ulichney, S. Pollard, M. Gaubatz, S. Simske, “Forensic Verification Utilizing Halftone Boundaries”, US Patent 9,361,516, June 2016.

S. Pollard, R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, S. Simske, “Forensic Verification from Halftone Images”, US Patent 9,361,514, June, 2016.

R. Ulichney, J. Recker, I. Tastl, Inter-block data management, US Patent 8,937,750, 2015.

N. Damera-Venkata, R. Ulichney, D. Tretter, System and method for correcting defective pixels of a display device, US Patent 8,872,869, 2014.

R. Ulichney, S. Simske, M. Gaubatz, Parallel Test Payload, U.S. Patent 8,797,193, 2014.

R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, D. Rouse, System and Method for Print Production Sheet Identification, US Patent 8,760,670, 2014.

R. Ulichney, An Edge Refinement System, U.S. Patent 8,634,110, 2014.

M. Gaubatz and R. Ulichney, Method of robust alignment and payload recovery for data-bearing images, U.S. Patent 8,594,453, 2013.

R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, S. Simske, System and method for creating a data-bearing image, U.S. Patent 8,456,699, 2013.

M. Gaubatz, R. Ulichney, Automatic redeye detection based on redeye and facial metric values, U.S. Patent 8,446,494, 2013.

S. Simske, M. Gaubatz, R. Ulichney, Blur resistant barcode, U.S. Patent 8,376,235, 2013.

R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, S. Simske, Payload recovery systems and methods, U.S. Patent 8,284,987, 2012.

S. Simske, M. Gaubatz, R. Ulichney, Blur resistant barcode, U.S. Patent 8,226,010, 2012.

R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, Perceptually-derived red-eye correction, U.S. Patent 7,830,418, 2010.

R. Ulichney, D Niranjan, and D. Tretter, System and method for correcting defective pixels of a display device, U.S. Patent 7,453,449, 2008.

M. Gaubatz and R. Ulichney, System and method for automatically detecting and correcting red eye, U.S. Patent 7,155,058, 2006.

C. Cheng and R. Ulichney, System and method for interpolating a color image, U.S. Patent 7,130,491, 2006.

F. Dufaux, S. Kang and R. Ulichney, Camera-based document scanning system using multiple-pass mosaicking, U.S. Patent 7,046,401, 2006.

R. Ulichney and R. Sukthankar, System and method for correcting luminance non-uniformity of obliquely projected images, U.S. Patent 7,018,050, 2006.

R. Ulichney and H. Arora, System and method for increasing projector amplitude resolution and correcting luminance non-uniformity, U.S. Patent 6,921,172, 2005.

R. Ulichney and H. Arora, Method for Correcting Projector Luminance Nonuniformity, U.S. Patent 6,817,721, 2004

R. Ulichney, Tone Modifying Dithering System, U.S. Patent 6,690,389, 2004.

R. Ulichney, W. Hallahan, Method and apparatus for providing 64-bit YUV to RGB color conversion, U.S. Patent 6,487,308, 2002.

S. Cheung, R. Ulichney, R. McNamara, G. Iyengar, Method for detecting an image edge within a dithered image, U.S. Patent 6,473,525, 2002.

R. Ulichney, R. McNamara, An apparatus for generating one-dimensional dither values, U.S. Patent 6,424,431, 2002.

R. Ulichney, S. Cheung, R. McNamara, Increasing the Bit-depth of and Filtering Dithered Images for the Purpose of Inverse Dithering, U.S. Patent 6,347,160, 2002.

R. Ulichney, Method for generating dither values for one-dimensional dither arrays, U.S. Patent  6,330,368, 2001.

R. Ulichney, R. McNamara, Multi-dimensional dithering using one-dimensional dither arrays, U.S. Patent  6,278,530, 2001.

S. Cheung, R. Ulichney, R. McNamara, G. Iyengar, Selective filtering of a dithered image for the purpose of inverse dithering, U.S. Patent 6,222,945, 2001.

R. Ulichney, S. Cheung, R. McNamara, G. Iyengar, Method for Reconstructing a Dithered Image, U.S. Patent 6,185,334, 2001. 

R. Ulichney, Void and Cluster Apparatus and Method for Generating Dither Templates, U.S. Patent 6,172,773, 2001.

R. Ulichney, Color Adjustment System for YUV to RGB Color Conversion, U.S. Patent 6,172,714, 2001. 

S. Cheung, R. Ulichney, R. McNamara, G. Iyengar, Method for Low Complexity, Low Memory Inverse Dithering, U.S. Patent 6,163,629, 2000.

R. Ulichney and S. Cheung, Bit-depth Increase by Bit Replication, U.S. Patent 6,038,576, 2000. 

R. Ulichney, Method and Apparatus for Providing 32-bit YUV to RGB Color Conversion, U.S. Patent 5,920,322, 1999.

R. Ulichney, Void and Cluster Apparatus and Method for Generating Dither Templates, U.S. Patent 5,912,745, 1999.

R. Ulichney, Void and Cluster Apparatus and Method for Generating Dither Templates, U.S. Patent 5,745,259, 1998.

R. Ulichney, P. Charles, R. McNamara, Input Modification System for Multilevel Dithering, U.S. Patent 5,602,941, 1997.

R. Ulichney, Imaging Adjustment System for Translating Raw Input Levels to Adjusted Input Levels, U.S. Patent 5,543,936, 1996.

R. Ulichney, Void and Cluster Apparatus and Method for Generating Dither Templates, U.S. Patent 5,535,020, 1996.

R. Ulichney, and P. Bahl, Imaging System with Multilevel Dithering Using Single Memory, U.S. Patent 5,508,822, 1996.

R. Ulichney, Imaging System with Two Level Dithering Using Comparator, U.S. Patent 5,495,345, 1996.

R. Ulichney, Imaging System with Multilevel Dithering Using Two Memories, U.S. Patent 5,333,262, 1994.

R. Ulichney, Imaging System with Multilevel Dithering Using Bit Shifter, U.S. Patent 5,333,260, 1994.

R. Ulichney, Method and apparatus for mapping a digital color image from a first color space to a second color space, U.S. Patent 5,233,684, 1993.

R. Ulichney, System for Producing Dithered Images from Continuous-tone Image Data, U.S. Patent 4,955,065, 1990.


Pending Patents

R. Ulichney, J. Wittkopf, M. Gaubatz, “Three-Dimensional Latticed Conductive Elements”, 20230288911, Sep, 2023.

M. Gaubatz, R, Ulichney, S. Pollard, “Data Decode” (Fiducial-based Decoding), WO2022010455A1, Jan, 2022.

Y. Xu, S. Pollard, R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, J. Allebach, “Fiducial Location” (Atomic Growth Alignment), 20230267642, Aug, 2023.

Z. Zhao, R. Ulichney, S. Pollard, M. Gaubatz, J. Allebach, “Fiducial Patterns” (Piece-wise planar alignment), 20230196707, Jun, 2023.

M. Gaubatz, R. Ulichney, “Encoding Information with Shifted Linear Patterns” (Scatter Codes), 20230105910, Aug, 2021.

S. Pollard, R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, “Recovering Alignment Grids”, 20220398769, Dec, 2022.

R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, “Three-Dimensional Object Marking” (1D Barcodes through 3D Prints), 20220189101, Jun, 2022.

R. Ulichney, M. Gaubatz, S. Pollard, “Visually significant marking schemes”, 20210377422, Dec, 2022.

W. Allen, G. Blythe, B. Pickering, T. Sims, S. Simske, R. Ulichney, C. Haas, “Customized order fulfillment”, 20200387912, Dec, 2020.

M. Gaubatz, S. Simske, R. Ulichney, “Authentication based on data content and data partitions” (Duel Channel Security), 20170206535, Jul, 2017.